Radio Consulting

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• Increase listener engagement and attract more listeners more often.

• Give yourself more time to create better radio.

• Get the experienced help you need on your next project.


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A Strategic Plan That Works

Is your programming strategic plan aligned with the station business goals? How was your strategic plan developed and what were the objectives. Are your goals realistic and measurable? Are you on plan and is it working? With fewer staff it has become critical that everyone is pulling the same direction. Working together to clearly define goals and develop a focused ‘big picture’ will optimize your team’s efforts, saving time, money and wear and tear on your most valuable resource.

Growing Your Audience

The basic radio programming goal is to attract more listeners, more often. Every programming element should contribute to longer tuning and compelling the listener to return more often. Compelling content is about your listeners finding relevance to their lives and hearing something they care about. It is not complicated. At least, the concept is not complicated. The tactics  to accomplish relevance can be complicated or at least multifaceted. Choosing the appropriate tactics comes from a solid strategic plan that is in line with your programming goals and business objectives. Having a point of view from an outside source can help you clarify what needs to be included in your strategic plan.

Special Projects

A new station launch. A format flip. Perceptual research. Focus groups. Rebranding. A pre-book tune-up. A creative, production or promotion department reorganization. Building budgets. These projects are measurably more successful when your have someone keeping the ‘big picture’ in focus through all phases.  Take advantage of my years of media project experience and call on me for your next project, big or small.

Growing the Farm Team

“People are your most important resource” The adage has been used for years and it still holds true. I strongly believe that finding ways to assist the people in your organization discover their full potential is not only a good investment, it is an employer’s responsibility. Coaching talent, doing air-checks, creative-checks, production-checks, helping people understand their roles and the impact of their contributions. I have a passion for teaching and sharing my knowledge and experience, especially with markets feeding talent to the chain’s larger stations. Get a fresh perspective from an experienced outside resource.

Interim or Bridge Management

Change is a constant force in radio. There are times when interim or bridge leadership is needed to keep the station on course until a new Program Director or General Manager is in place. Your business is too important to risk letting the day to day stuff look after its self. We all know it won’t. Nor will there be forward movement on projects or planning. It is worth the time and money to bring in a temporary manager with deep experience in all aspects of radio station management. I would welcome the opportunity to provide onsite bridge leadership and management to your operation. No assignment too long or too short.


Imaging now includes on-air imaging plus all the audio and visual imaging on your digital platforms.   Establishing the imaging tone and style that reflects the brand requires a thorough understanding of your target audience. The choice and application of production elements and finding the perfect imaging voice are key to creating solid imaging that enhances the brand. With extensive experience in writing, voicing and producing imaging, I can provide you with an informed opinion on all aspects of your station imaging.

Now, More Than Just The Box

Radio is significantly more than just what “comes out of the box”. Your radio station has evolved into a multi-platform communications force reaching listeners in more ways than ever before possible. Websites, newsletters, mobile apps and social media now factor into how your radio station connects with listeners.  How much time is invested in digital? Is your website being measured against performance? What are your newsletter conversion rates? Are you testing your digital campaigns? But, the most important question: Is your Digital Communications Plan a product of your Programming Strategy or are they two different strategies conceptualized by different people with different goals? A Digital Engagement Audit will look at all your digital activities and assess what works and what is a waste to time and money.

Too Busy For The Creative Stuff?

The creative stuff that makes your station unique takes time that you may not have. Those ideas that will improve your audience engagement come from sitting down and focussing on what it will take to make your radio station more ’sticky’ to your current and potential listeners. Almost always, it requires another brain involved in the process to grow a germ of an idea into a workable growth tactic. I love the challenge of developing creative solutions. Together, we can develop a creative calendar matched to your goals. Once a plan is developed and executing you will have the needed time to work on other essential stuff, such as raising the station’s community profile or developing talent.

Call for a confidential consultation.

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to get started on a creative solution.

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